7th International Conference

on Dialogical Practices

From Conflict to Connection:
Possibilities for Dialogues Beyond Conflicts

2. - 5. april 2025. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Remote Conference Pass

Regular price with VAT: 240 KM / 140€ (from 03.02.2025)

The remote conference pass includes live stream access to the conference.

Pre-conference Workshop: "Dialogical Space"

Lecturer: Tom Arnkil
Price: 100 KM / 50€

Sign up at: [email protected]

Pre-conference Workshop: "Basic Introduction to Dialogical Practices"

Lecturer: Kristof Mikes-Liu

FREE for all interested participants

Sign up at: [email protected]

We are pleased to invite you to the 7th International Conference on Dialogical Practices, which will take place from April 2 to 5, 2025, at the historic Holiday Inn Hotel in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The conference will focus on the transformative power of dialogue in overcoming social and interpersonal conflicts, highlighting the complex history of the region and the potential of dialogical practices to foster healing, understanding, and reconciliation.

The integration of dialogical practices into various professional fields, such as healthcare, education, and social work, can be transformative, especially in societies striving to rebuild their social structures. This conference provides a platform for professionals to learn from one another and explore how dialogical approaches can be adapted to diverse professional contexts within Bosnia and the Western Balkans.

This event brings together practitioners, researchers, educators, and community members committed to exploring and advancing dialogical approaches across different domains. It offers a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, share innovative practices, and harness the transformative power of dialogue.

Special Invitation to Participants from Serbia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia, and Beyond

The countries of the former Yugoslavia share a complex history filled with rich cultural ties and shared experiences. This conference offers a unique opportunity for participants from Serbia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Slovenia, and other neighboring countries to come together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual learning.

Our intertwined histories make exploring dialogical practices particularly relevant. Engaging in open dialogue is essential for understanding and healing collective memories that continue to shape our societies.

With shared languages and cultural nuances, participants can communicate more effectively, enabling deeper discussions and collaboration.

Many social, educational, and mental health challenges are common across our countries. Dialogical practices offer innovative approaches to collectively addressing these issues.

The conference serves as a platform to strengthen connections among professionals across the region, promoting peace, understanding, and cooperative initiatives.

Why Attend?

Engage in Open Dialogue: Participate in interactive sessions designed to promote genuine conversations and mutual understanding.

Learn from Leading Experts: Hear from leading practitioners and researchers in the field of dialogical practices.

Community Building: Connect with a community of like-minded individuals committed to transforming conflicts into opportunities for connection.

Collaborative Learning: Join workshops and discussions that foster collaborative problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Themes of the Conference:

⚫ Dialogues on Memories and the Past: Reflecting Together

⚫ Dialogical Approaches to Institutional and Community Engagement: Cultivating Trust

⚫ The Art of Reconnection: The Role of Dialogue in Therapeutic Work with Families, Networks, and Communities

⚫ Dialogues Before Dialogues: What We Need to Talk About and Reflect On Before Dialogues Can Take Place

⚫ Dialogues Inspired by Inquiry: Research as Conversation

Conference Program

Plenary Sessions with Keynote Speakers

Working Groups: Participants will collaborate in small groups on specific
topics. The focus of these working groups is active participation, reflection,
and dialogue. Each working group will meet three times during the conference
and prepare a presentation for the final plenary session.

Workshops-Call for Workshop Proposals: We invite your proposals for
workshops where you will take the lead in organizing a dialogical meeting on
a topic of interest to professionals engaged in dialogical practices.
Kindly submit your workshop abstracts. Submission Deadline for Abstracts: January 15, 2025.

Dear colleagues,

We invite you to submit your workshops and working groups for our upcoming conference. To ensure that your activities are highly dialogical, we will provide you with Dialogical Peer Support from experienced colleagues within the dialogical network. This support aims to enrich your workshops through shared learning and experience exchange, fostering deeper interaction among participants.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to build a space for open dialogue and collective growth together.

Workshop Submissions: Workshop Presentations (75 minutes)

Presenters will have the opportunity to share their work with colleagues in a comprehensive and in-depth manner. The workshop format is designed to be interactive, incorporating small-group discussions and/or brief lectures. Workshop proposals may include topics such as clinical work, research, theory, dialogical education and training, supervision, social policy, and social justice.

(Limited to a maximum of three facilitators.)

PowerPoint presentation equipment will be available for workshops.

Working Groups (75 minutes)

The conference will feature a variety of interactive working groups designed to enhance practical skills, collaborative learning, and deeper discussions on specific topics within dialogical practices.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on sessions led by experienced professionals in areas such as mental health, education, and community development.

Join working groups focused on topics such as intercultural dialogue, conflict resolution, and innovative dialogical methods.

Participate in creative sessions that explore dialogue through art, storytelling, and other creative media.

Call for Submissions

We invite submissions for workshops, presentations, working groups, and creative sessions aligned with the themes of the conference.

Submission Guidelines:

– Abstract Length: Up to 300 words

– Format: Include the title, author(s), affiliation, and contact information

– Deadline: Please submit your proposals by December 15, 2024, to [email protected] 15. January on [email protected]

Notification: Acceptance notifications will be sent by February 15, 2025.

Dialogical Practices

Dialogical practice is aimed at creating deep and meaningful interaction through dialogue, emphasizing an approach that prioritizes listening and responding to the whole person within their specific context, rather than just addressing symptoms. These practices are particularly relevant in fields such as psychotherapy, counseling, and education, where the quality of interpersonal interaction can significantly impact outcomes.

CPD 20 h

Key values and principles of dialogical practices include:

Polyphony and multiple voices: Encouraging the expression of different viewpoints and recognizing multiple voices within the dialogue to enrich understanding and facilitate comprehensive problem-solving.

Authenticity and presence: Encouraging practitioners to be genuinely present and authentic, engaging with clients or participants in a way that promotes honesty and deep connection.

Transparency: Maintaining openness in communication processes, ensuring that all participants understand the methods and purposes of the dialogue.

Respect and Validation: Showing respect to all participants, validating their experiences and contributions as key elements of dialogue.

Responsiveness: Adapting the dialogue in response to emerging needs and dynamics among participants, supporting the fluid and evolving nature of dialogic interactions.


April 4, 2025, at 20:00.

Tourist tour

Tour program coming soon.

01.04.2025. from 17h. Free for all interested parties.

The final program announcement will be on: March 1, 2025.

Registrujte se, budite u toku i osigurajte svoje mjesto

at a lower price!

Fill out a short form with your details and stay updated with the latest news about the conference. We will inform you about confirmed speakers, events, topics, and share important information and useful content with you. We also remind you about early registration dates for discounted prices.

First Minute: payments until 02.12.2024

295 KM

The prices have been adjusted due to entry into the VAT system. All listed prices now include VAT.

200 € for international participants and EU member states, except Croatia.
235 KM (Members of Mentis and Members of the Association of Psychotherapy Associations )

Group Registration: 1-3 members €305, and €165 for each additional member.

To avail group discounts, please contact us at [email protected] with the subject “Group Discount” so we can guide you through the next steps.

Gala night(70KM/35EUR)

Free tourist tour

Early Bird: payments until 02.02.2025.

390 KM

The prices have been adjusted due to entry into the VAT system. All listed prices now include VAT.

260 € for international participants and EU member states, except Croatia.
320 KM (Members of Mentis and Members of the Association of Psychotherapy Associations )

Group Registration: 1-3 members €350, and €215 for each additional member.

To avail group discounts, please contact us at [email protected] with the subject “Group Discount” so we can guide you through the next steps.

Gala night(70KM/35EUR)

Free tourist tour


435 KM

The prices have been adjusted due to entry into the VAT system. All listed prices now include VAT.

295 € for international participants and EU member states, except Croatia.
365 KM (Members of Mentis and Members of the Association of Psychotherapy Associations )

Group Registration: 1-3 members €400, and €260 for each additional member.

To avail group discounts, please contact us at [email protected] with the subject “Group Discount” so we can guide you through the next steps.

Gala night(70KM/35EUR)

Free tourist tour

Remote Conference Pass

240 KM

Redovna cijena sa PDV-om: 240 KM (od 03.02.2025)

140€ for international participants and EU member states, excluding Croatia.

The remote conference pass includes live stream access to the conference.

We believe that hosting the 7th International Conference on Dialogical Practices in Sarajevo is a significant step toward fostering regional and global understanding and collaboration. It offers participants from across the former Yugoslavia and beyond a meaningful opportunity to deeply engage with the principles of dialogue, learn from one another’s experiences, and contribute to building bridges within our communities. It is also a chance for professional growth, enhancing skills and knowledge in dialogical practices applicable to your field.

Gathering in a city that embodies both the challenges and triumphs of dialogue, we can create new understandings and possibilities.

Your presence, contributions, and shared perspectives are invaluable to the success of this conference. Together, we can explore innovative ways to address shared challenges, promote peace, and enhance the well-being of our societies. Join us in shaping initiatives that foster understanding and collaboration across the Balkans. We firmly believe that through open dialogue and mutual respect, we can overcome divisions and work toward a harmonious and prosperous future for all.

We look forward to welcoming you to Sarajevo, where history and dialogue come together to inspire meaningful conversations and new connections. Let us gather in Sarajevo to make this conference a milestone in advancing dialogue and understanding across our region.

For any inquiries or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected]

Dialogical Peer Support

Be part of a community that supports the exchange of knowledge and experiences! Your donation can help individuals with limited financial means join our conference. You can donate during registration and payment!


If you need financial support to participate, please contact us at [email protected], and we will do our best to assist you within the available resources.

Partners and donors

Ministry of Health of Sarajevo Canton

Association of Psychotherapy Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Department of Psychology - Faculty of Philosophy

War childhood museum

Association Tavan

Faculty of Political Sciences


International Academic Committee:

Alexandra Moreira-Brazil and Portugal
Elisa Petroni – Argentina
Mark Steven Hopfenbeck-UK
Alita Taylor – SAD
Justine van Lawick – Netherlands

International Organizational Committee:

Pavel Nepustil – Czech Republic
Martin Novak – Czech Republic
Richard Williams – United Kingdom
Adi Hasanbašić – Czech Republic

Local Organizational Committee:

Mentis Institute, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Armina Čerkić, Jasmina Buljić, Mediha Kovačević Jovanović. Jelena Spahić.
Collaborators: Djema Voloder Nadarević.

Why Sarajevo?

Sarajevo, a city at the crossroads of cultures and history, provides a unique backdrop for our conference. Known as the “Jerusalem of Europe,” it symbolizes diversity and resilience, while its history, marked by both collaboration and conflict, makes it an ideal place to explore dialogical practices.

The venue, the Holiday Inn Sarajevo, holds special historical significance. During the siege of the city (1992–1996), it served as a base for international journalists, becoming a symbol of communication and witness in times of conflict. Just 50 meters across from the hotel stands the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a reminder of the anti-war protests of 1992 and the courage of citizens fighting for peace.

Only 200 meters east of the hotel lies the National Museum, home to the Sarajevo Haggadah, an invaluable artifact that testifies to the city’s multicultural heritage. An additional 50 meters away, you’ll find the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a custodian of the collective memory of the Bosnian people’s resistance and resilience.

All these landmarks, located within a 300-meter radius of the Holiday Inn Sarajevo, create a unique environment where past and present converge, symbolizing a tapestry of dialogue, resistance, and diversity.

Jaakko Seikkula

Jaakko je osnivač Otvorenog dijaloga. On je napredni specijalista porodične terapije, a također radi kao trener u psihoterapiji. Njegovi glavni interesi su razvoj i analiza praksi usmjerenih na porodicu i društvene mreže u najtežim psihijatrijskim krizama, kao što su psihoza i depresija. Njegova istraživanja su fokusirana na analizu efikasnosti otvorenih dijaloga u slučajevima psihoze i depresije, kao i na razvoj analize dijaloga u sesijama porodične terapije i terapije društvenih mreža.

Peter Rober

Peter Rober, Ph.D., je klinički psiholog, porodični terapeut i trener porodične terapije u Context – Centru za bračnu i porodičnu terapiju (UPC KU Leuven, Belgija). On je redovni profesor i predaje porodičnu terapiju na Institutu za studije porodice i seksualnosti (Medicinska škola K.U. Leuven, Belgija). Njegovi istraživački interesi fokusiraju se na praksu porodične terapije i na terapijski proces, posebno na korištenje sopstva terapeuta i unutarnji dijalog terapeuta.

Peter Rober je objavio nekoliko članaka u međunarodnim časopisima za porodičnu terapiju. Od 1992. godine drži međunarodne radionice o porodičnoj terapiji s djecom i adolescentima. Svake godine u avgustu organizuje Evropsku ljetnu školu porodične terapije u Leuvenu (Belgija), zajedno sa Jaakkom Seikkulom, Johnom Shotterom, Justine van Lawick i Jimom Wilsonom.

Harlene Anderson

Harlene Anderson je popularna govornica, konsultantica i trenerica. Koristi svoje alate—svoje uvide, veliko interesovanje, angažirajući razgovorni stil i liderske vještine—da pomogne i inspiriše pojedince, porodice i organizacije da postignu jasnoću, fokus, obnovljenu energiju i često iznenađujuće rezultate.

Međunarodno priznata kao inovatorica u razvoju postmoderno orijentisane kolaborativno-dijaloške prakse, Harlene primjenjuje svoj konceptualni okvir u obrazovanju, zajednicama, istraživanju, terapiji i konsultacijama. Njene knjige, prevedene na nekoliko jezika, uključuju “Conversations, Language and Possibilities” i suuredničke “Appreciative Organizations”, “Collaborative Therapy: Relationships and Conversations that Make a Difference” i “Innovations in the Reflecting Process”. Dr. Anderson je suosnivačica i članica odbora Taos Instituta, Houston Galveston Instituta i Access Success International; ona je osnivačica i glavna urednica Međunarodnog časopisa za kolaborativne prakse i suosnivačica Međunarodnog certifikata za kolaborativne prakse.

Dobitnica je nagrade Američke akademije za porodičnu terapiju 2008. za istaknuti doprinos teoriji i praksi porodične terapije, nagrade Američkog udruženja za bračnu i porodičnu terapiju 2000. za izvanredne doprinose bračnoj i porodičnoj terapiji i nagrade Teksaškog udruženja za bračnu i porodičnu terapiju 1997. za životno djelo.

Harlene Anderson je međunarodno priznata inovatorica u razvoju postmoderno orijentisane kolaborativno-dijaloške prakse i suosnivačica Taos Instituta i Houston Galveston Instituta.

Rocío Chaveste

Rocío Chaveste, Ph.D., je suosnivačica, direktorica, profesorica i klinička supervizorka Instituta Kanankil u Méridi, Meksiko. Ima diplomu iz političkih nauka i javne uprave, magistarski stepen iz upravljanja organizacijama, magistarski stepen iz porodične i partnerske terapije, certifikat za seksualnu terapiju i edukaciju, magistarski stepen iz političke komunikacije i izbornog marketinga. Njeno istraživanje se fokusira na kolaborativne prakse u različitim okruženjima, od individualne i porodične terapije do lokalne uprave. Ima dugu privatnu praksu kao psihoterapeutkinja i seksologinja, te predaje i nadzire na magistarskim studijama psihoterapije i ovisnosti na Institutu Kanankil. Radila je u lokalnoj upravi kao direktorica za društveni razvoj, kao konsultantica i kao profesorica na privatnim i javnim univerzitetima u zemlji. Zainteresirana je za kolaborativne i socijalno-konstrukcionističke ideje, refleksivne procese, jezik, seksologiju, rodna pitanja i razvoj zajednice. Članica je Meksičke asocijacije za porodičnu terapiju i članica odbora “La Red”, međunarodne mreže za produktivne dijaloge. Česta je učesnica na Međunarodnim ljetnim institutima koje organiziraju Houston Galveston Institute i Grupo Campos Eliseos.


BIG-registrirana klinička psihologinja, psihoterapeutkinja i trenerica Nizozemskog udruženja za bračnu i porodičnu terapiju (NVRG). Radila je u psihijatriji za odrasle i dječjoj psihijatriji. Od samog početka je radila sa porodicama, odnosima i drugim zajednicama kako bi riješili probleme koje odrasli i djeca zajedno doživljavaju. Justine je specijalizirana za rad sa problemima nasilja u porodicama. Čak i kada se svađe redovno izmaknu kontroli, ljudi mogu i dalje mnogo brinuti jedni o drugima, i tu leži snaga potrebna za zajedničko pronalaženje rješenja. Terapiiju vidi kao proces saradnje između terapeuta i klijenata: zajedno istražujemo koji se problemi doživljavaju, koje promjene su poželjne i koji je najprikladniji način za postizanje tih promjena.

Raffaella Poccobelo

Glavni istraživač u projektima usmjerenim na evaluaciju inovativnih pristupa u mentalnom zdravlju, kao što su Otvoreni dijalog, Kuće za oporavak i zajednički producirani eksperimentalni centri. Ove intervencije se temelje na principu «ništa o nama bez nas», koji promoviše međunarodni pokret korisnika usluga mentalnog zdravlja. Njena glavna istraživačka aktivnost usmjerena je na razumijevanje i evaluaciju ishoda ovih intervencija, s posebnim fokusom na analizu kognitivnih, emocionalnih i socijalnih procesa koji leže u osnovi oporavka osoba s iskustvom ozbiljnih problema mentalnog zdravlja.

Mia Kurtti

Mia Kurtti radi u službama za mentalno zdravlje kao medicinska sestra u Zapadnoj Laponiji, Finska, od 2002. godine, radeći s pojedincima i njihovim mrežama. Tokom posljednje decenije, bila je trenerica na nekoliko međunarodnih programa obuke iz Otvorenog dijaloga / kolaborativnog pristupa. Ključni dio njenog rada u posljednjim godinama bio je razvoj uloge peer specijalista u zdravstvenom okrugu Zapadne Laponije, zajedno sa trenerima peer specijalista i drugim kolegama.

Tom Arnkil

Tom Erik Arnkil je finski profesor i autor rođen 1950. godine. Poznat je po svojim doprinosima dijaloškim praksama, posebno u oblastima psihosocijalnog rada i kriznih intervencija. Arnkil je koautor knjige “Dijaloški sastanci u društvenim mrežama” sa Jaakkom Seikkulom, koja istražuje ‘Otvorene dijaloge’ za psihijatrijske krize i ‘Dijaloge anticipacije’ za situacije sa više agencija.

Arnkilova karijera se proteže i izvan akademske sfere; on je također uspješan romanopisac.

Dubravka Trampuž

Dubravka Trampuž radila je u Psihijatrijskoj bolnici Idrija, Dispanzeru za mentalno zdravlje ZD Kranj i Centru za vanbolničku psihijatriju Univerzitetske psihijatrijske klinike Ljubljana, gdje je nedavno bila predstojnica. Sada je zaposlena u privatnoj psihijatrijskoj klinici. Ona je grupni analitičar i sistemski porodični terapeut. Zvanje psihoterapeuta i supervizora stekla je u Savezu psihoterapeuta Slovenije

Kai Alhanen

Kai Alhanen je direktor Akademije za Dijalog i istraživač političke filozofije. On je jedan od vodećih stručnjaka za dijalog u Finskoj i cijenjeni trener i u drugim dijelovima svijeta. Alhanen je ranije objavio knjige o filozofiji Michela Foucaulta i Johna Deweyja, Dijalog u demokratiji i Knjiga dijaloga. Također je uveo inovativne koncepte dijaloga poput Timeout i Nacionalni dijalozi, koji su stekli široko priznanje.

Jaakko Seikkula

Jaakko is a founder of Open Dialogue. He is an advanced specialist level family therapist; he also works as a trainer in psychotherapy. His main interests are in developing and analyzing family- and social network-centered practices in the most severe psychiatric crises, such as psychosis and depression. His research has been focused both on analyzing the effectiveness of open dialogues in psychosis and depression, and on developing the analysis of dialogues in family therapy and network therapy sessions.

Peter Rober

Peter Rober, PhD is clinical psychologist, family therapist and family therapy trainer at Context -Center for marital and family therapy (UPC KU Leuven, Belgium). He is full professor and teaches family therapy at the Institute for Family and Sexuality Studies (medical school of K.U. Leuven, Belgium). His research interest areas focus on the practice of family therapy and on the therapy process, including especially the use of self of the therapist and the therapist’s inner conversation.

Peter Rober published several articles in international family therapy journals. Since 1992, he has presented international workshops on family therapy with children and adolescents. Every year in August he organizes the European Summer School in Family Therapy in Leuven (Belgium), together with Jaakko Seikkula, John Shotter, Justine van Lawick and Jim Wilson.

Harlene Anderson

Harlene Anderson is a popular speaker, consultant, and trainer. She uses her tools—her insights, her keen interest, her engaging conversational style, and her leadership skills–to help and inspire individuals, families, and organizations to achieve clarity, focus, renewed energy, and often surprising results.

Recognized internationally as an innovator in the development of postmodern-oriented collaborative-dialogic practice, Harlene applies her conceptual framework to her practices in education, communities, research, therapy, and consultation. Her books, translated into several languages, include Conversations, Language and Possibilities and coedited Appreciative Organizations, Collaborative Therapy: Relationships and Conversations that Make a Difference, and Innovations in the Reflecting Process. Dr. Anderson is a co-founder and a board member of the Taos Institute, Houston Galveston Institute, and Access Success International; she is the founding editor of the International Journal of Collaborative Practices and co-founder of the International Certificate in Collaborative Practices.

She received the 2008 American Academy of Family Therapy Award for Distinguished Contribution to Family Therapy Theory and Practice, the 2000 American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy award for Outstanding Contributions to Marriage and Family Therapy, and the 1997 Texas Association for Marriage and Family Therapy award for Lifetime Achievement.

Harlene Anderson is an internationally recognized innovator in the development of postmodern-oriented collaborative-dialogic practice, and co-founder of Taos Institute and Houston Galveston Institute.

Rocío Chaveste

Rocío Chaveste, Ph.D., is co founder, director, professor and clinical supervisor of Kanankil Institute in Mérida, México. She has a degree in Political Sciences and Public Administration, a master’s degree in Administration of organizations, master’s degree in Family and Couples Therapy, a certificate as Sexual Therapy and Educator, a master’s degree in Political Communication and Electoral Marketing, and a her research centers on collaborative practices in different settings, from individual and family therapy to local government. . She has a long private practice as a psychotherapist and sexologist, and teaches and supervises in both master degrees in Psychotherapy and Addictions at Kanankil Institute. She has worked in local government as Director of Social Development, as consultant and as a teacher for private and public universities in the country. She is interested in collaborative and social constructionist ideas, reflexive processes, language, sexology, gender issues and communitarian development. She is an associate to the Mexican Family Therapy Association and Board member of “La Red” an international Network for productive dialogues. She has being a frequent participant in the International Summer Institutes held by the Houston Galveston Institute and Grupo Campos Eliseos.


Is a BIG-registered clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer of the Dutch Association for Relationship and Family Therapy (NVRG). She worked in adult psychiatry and child psychiatry. From the beginning, she worked with families, relationships and other communities to solve problems that adults and children experience together. Justine is specialized in working with violence problems in families. Even when arguments regularly get out of hand, people can still care a lot about each other and therein lies the strength needed to find a solution together. She sees therapy as a collaborative process between therapist and clients: together we investigate what problems are experienced, what changes are desired and what is the most appropriate way to achieve that change.

Raffaella Poccobelo

Principal investigator in projects aimed to evaluate innovative approaches in mental health, such as Open Dialogue, Recovery Houses, and co-produced experimental centres. These interventions are based on the assumption «nothing about us without us», promoted by the international movement of mental health services users. Her main research activity aims at understanding and evaluating the outcomes of these interventions, with a focus on the analysis of cognitive, emotional and social processes underlying the recovery of people with experience of severe mental health issues.

Mia Kurtti

Mia Kurtti has been working in mental health services as a nurse in Western Lapland, Finland since 2002. with individuals and their networks. During the last decade, she has been a trainer on several international Open Dialogue/ Collaborative training programs. A crucial part of her work during the last years has been developing the role of peer specialists in the Western Lapland healthcare district, together with peer specialist trainers and other colleagues.

Tom Arnkil

Tom Erik Arnkil is a Finnish professor and author born in 1950. year. He is renowned for his contributions to dialogical practices, particularly in the fields of psycho-social work and crisis intervention. Arnkil co-authored the book “Dialogical Meetings in Social Networks” with Jaakko Seikkula, which explores ‘Open Dialogues’ for psychiatric crises and ‘Anticipation Dialogues’ for multi-agency situations.

Arnkil’s career extends beyond academia; he is also an accomplished novelist.

Kai Alhanen

Kai Alhanen is the director of Dialogue Academy and a researcher in political philosophy.
He is one of Finland’s leading experts on dialogue and a respected trainer also in other
parts of the world. Alhanen has previously published books on the philosophy of Michel
Foucault and John Dewey, Dialogue in Democracy, and The Dialogue Book. Additionally,
he has introduced
innovative dialogue concepts like Timeout and National Dialogues, which have gained
widespread recognition.